About Us


Classic Images Stock Footage, Est. 1992, has the most comprehensive collection of vintage archival stock footage with a select contemporary library. We have supplied feature film, television, and non-broadcast productions for three decades and acquire new material on an ongoing basis to keep our collection fresh. Our archives contain thousands of assets from the dawn of motion pictures to the present day. One of the many qualities that sets us apart from other libraries is our team's 40+ years of experience and our ability to deal with the legal issues that often arise in the area of vintage archival film and stock footage. We are a storehouse of knowledge on historical events, entertainment properties, public figures and their legal clearances. Our commitment to quality, competitive pricing, and creative personalized service has long established our reputation as one of the most respected resources in the industry.

Many projects and productions need a package of rights or customized licensing. If you need to package rights, a customized license, or your requirements are not listed please contact us for assistance. Please note that our entire collection is not available online. If you do not see what you are looking for on our website or you need help with an offline order please use the Research Request / Offline Order form, send us an email at sales@classicimagesstockfootage.com, or call us at 1-310-277-0400 to speak with one of our Classic Images Stock Footage team members directly.

Classic Images Stock Footage uses a “Rights Managed” pricing model and licenses footage by the second. We believe that our clients should only pay for the seconds they actually order and always be indemnified for footage we license to them. We have the legal right to license the footage and will indemnify you in our license against any liability, loss or damage arising out of or in connection with any such claim. You are responsible for any and all underlying clearances required to clear the usage of the footage (e.g. music, trademarks etc.). The fees per second are based on the usage and rights required. Our rates are extremely affordable and not matched by most rights managed libraries. Most uses are licensed for worldwide all media in perpetuity. Our rates are negotiable and we can give discounts for large orders, packaged rights, and special projects. Please contact us for assistance or for more information.