Search for Africa

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The Jack Benny Program 5-23-1954. Bob Hope steals Jack's pants from his dressing room so that Bob can do the monologue instead. Jack comes out wearing Don's oversized pants and Don comes out wearing Jack's small pants. Jack and Bob are explorers in Africa who are attacked by cannibals and thrown into a huge stew pot. Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis run in to help cannibals with a match.
Walk through the long history of Egypt from ancient to modern on this visit to Cairo.
A newsreel highlighting some of the work of the Women's Suffrage Movement in early 1900s America.
Army nurses joining the fight, training, and working out in the field during World War 2. Film presents the story of the Army Nurse Corps. activities and heroism of U.S. Army nurses in World War II, highlighting their contribution to the fight on the Anzio beachhead.